Learn. Collaborate. Network. With the Best.

  • Whether it’s marketing, sustainability, leadership, or other key areas of business, Forward speakers represent the best of the best in their fields. These experienced professionals come from all ranges of industries, giving you unique perspectives from innovative and forward thinkers. We help you bring their expertise together with relevancy for endurance events.

  • New this year, we’re bringing you hands on workshops to bring your new knowledge to life. You’ll be able to apply what you’ve learned, flex your new knowledge, and take home actionable ideas and insights to your events and implement them.

  • Get a unique opportunity to network with our industry’s most seasoned and respected professionals. Spend time with this amazing community we’ve built and grow your network. New this year, hear from some of these amazing endurance leaders in a live case study on how they use the haku platform and work with the haku team to see maximum benefit, helping you apply those takeaways to increase the positive benefits you see in working with haku.

  • No haku event would be complete without an amazing time! Join us for a relaxed welcome reception to kick off the two and a half day event at our beautiful host hotel. Then get ready for our Partner Celebration Wednesday night where we will celebrate our friends and partners with amazing food, music, and of course vibrant entertainment.

What Past Attendees Have Said About Forward:

“Loved bringing together thought leaders in our industry and others to get outside perspectives and insight.”

“It was very cool to come to Miami and experience all of the diversity; it made me feel more whole.”

“Exceeded my expectations when it came to the content of the presentations and the valuable information that all the presenters offered to the group.”

“Great speakers and great venue.”

“I definitely appreciate that you brought in speakers from outside the endurance space because so many have just been stuck in the space and not really moving forward. We need to see and learn from the "outside" world.”

Thank you to our sponsors: